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MMD > Archives > August 1999 > 1999.08.09 > 01Prev  Next

MBSI 50th Annual Meeting Sept 28 - Oct 3, 1999
By Bill Wineburgh

Philadelphia, PA --

More than 500 members are expected to attend the 50th Annual Meeting of
the Musical Box Society International (MBSI) at the Adam's Mark Hotel,
City Avenue and Monument Road, Philadelphia, September 28 to October 3.
The MBSI is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the
preservation, study and enjoyment of musical boxes and mechanical
musical instruments.  There are over 3,500 MBSI members in 19 countries
around the world.

This year is the "Golden Anniversary" meeting, celebrating the
organization's 50th year.  It will be hosted by the East Coast Chapter,
one of 11 regional US and international chapters.  A variety of
activities are planned, including Philadelphia area tours, a concert on
the Grand Court Organ at Lord & Taylor (formerly called the Wanamaker
Organ), tours of spectacular private collections, the Annual Awards
Dinner with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jan Jaap Haspels, Director-Curator of
the Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement, Utrecht, Netherlands,
the annual business meeting, seventeen educational workshops, presented
by world renowned speakers, a members-only mart, and a Golden
Anniversary Banquet with special entertainment.

The Educational Workshops, on Saturday, October 2nd, from 11:00 AM
until 5:00 PM, will be open to the public by advance registration only.
For information, contact Kathy Kerchner, Workshop Registrar, 8 Market
Plaza, Stoudtburg Village, Reinholds, PA  17569, Tel. (717) 484-0505,
or e-mail <>.

Full registration is open to MBSI members only.  For information about
joining the MBSI, contact Rick Cooley, 700 Walnut Road, Hockessin, DE
19707, Tel. (302) 239-5658, e-mail <>, or visit the MBSI
web site at

Visit the 50th Annual Meeting web site at

Musically yours,

Bill Wineburgh

(Message sent Mon 9 Aug 1999, 23:10:35 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  1999, 28, 3, 50th, Annual, MBSI, Meeting, Oct, Sept

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